
Stationary Filling Systems

Stationary Filling Systems

Dual Filling M/cs. Of 5Kg to 47.5Kg Cyl. filling capacity on roller conveyor

View of standalone Filling M/c.

Semi-automatic Batch Filling system with conveyors

Each stand alone filling M/c. Can fill upto 50 cylinders per hour of 12 to 15Kg. Cylinder capacity. Place the cylinder on platform, Fix the filling gun on the cylinder valve, lock the gun, and enter the tareweight of cylinder after selecting the cylinder type and gun cut off is automatic.

The Dual filling M/cs. Shown are capable of filling from 5Kg to 47.5 Kg cylinders on roller conveyors. Push the cylinders on to the roller platform, fix the gun by pneumatic lock, select the type of cylinder and enter the tareweigtht and after filling, gun cuts off automatically for pushing out the cylinder on the roller conveyor. The capacity of the machines are based on the type of cylinder filled.

The Semi-automatic Batch filling system comprises of 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 filling M/cs. In a batch and cylinders are fed automatically by the conveyor. An automatic stopping unit limits the no.of cylinders entering the batch system to the no. of filling machines. Each corresponding cylinder reaching its filling machine gets lifted up automatically from the conveyor and the operator has to just fix the gun, enter the 2 digit tareweight after selecting the type of cylinder and filling startly automatically and the gun cuts off automatically on reaching tareweight plus desired product weight. If there is no cylinder jam downline, these filled cylinders are lowered to the conveyor exit while opening the stopping unit to allow new cylinders. Only 1 operator is required for upto 6 machines . For more machines, a parallel conveyor line is provided for the second filling line.