
Electronic Carousel Filling Equipment

Electronic Carousel Filling Equipment


CAROUSAL Master controls

6 M/c. of 12 M/c. frame CAROUSAL

CAROUSAL online MIS in safe area

The entire carousal is fully automatic from encoding station to check weighing station with only one manpower at encoding station required for entering the cylinder tare weight.

The carousals have 24/12 electronic filling machines mounted on a rotating platform. The center column distributes LPG, Air and power with FLP center column attachment for the filling machines from stationary point to the rotating terminals.

The capacity of electronic carousal is up to 1450 cylinders per hour (14.2kg cylinders) for a 24 point carousal and it can be varied to achieve optimum production by adjusting carousal rotating speed. The system has the ability to fill different types of cylinders (14.2Kg/19.0Kg) or 12Kg/15Kg net weight cylinders freely mixed or cylinders of other capacities. Higher capacities are also possible.

The entire carousal is fully automatic from tareweight encoding station to check weighing station with only one manpower at encoding station required for entering the cylinder tare weight. The high speed checkweigh station is fully automatic with 50 grams accuracy and with automatic rejection and MIS transmission of filling errors for further action.